Smile Zone Orthodontics
Here Come The Doctors

Here Come The Doctors

by admin

Posted on March 13th, 2016 5:45 pm

Doctors from several countries spent the past few days learning from our SmileZone Orthodontics Team. They flew to Calgary to learn from Dr. Brown, and our good friend Dr. Tom Pitts from Oregon, and to see our office in action and discover some of the latest advancements in orthodontic treatment. It’s always a humbling experience and even though we pour a lot of time and energy into these in-office courses, we believe our patients are the ones who truly benefit, because we learn so much by teaching others. Then we pass along all the good stuff we learn to our patients.

You won’t hear our doctors talk much about this, but we’re very proud of all they do to make the orthodontic profession better. It’s always challenging, always fun and definitely worthwhile. We think it makes a difference in everything we do.

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